ตอนที่ 1 เล่าปี่ กวนอู เตียวหุยสาบานเป็นพี่น้องกันในสวนท้อ By Varis

- Samkok@work:what I learned
               I learned a lot from Romance of the Three Kingdom volume 1. The first thing that I learned is that whether you are at small or large rank, you are still contributing. You need to start off at a small rank, and then continue rising through the rank; no one would be stupid enough to give you a high rank straight away given that you have no experience. You need to prove yourself first.

               Another point I learned, which is an important key point in being a leader, is that you need to have vision. In the story, Liu Bei snorted at the post recruiting men to fight in the army. The reason is that he already saw that the royal army was weak. This would be his chance in making a kingdom, his own army. When he saw Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he instantly knew that both of them would be key men in his army. In order to be successful, you need to have human resource. You would need good people. You can't succeed on your own. Everyone would need to play his or her part regardless of their position. Everyone is important.

               What would you choose between job and company? The answer is company. If you choose the job, you might not reach the very top. There is an old saying that “A good bird will choose a good twig to perch at”. This will also apply to humans. “A good man will choose a leader to work with”. The company and the boss will help you grow. A good company will teach you because they have far more experience than you. They give you room so you could grow, improve and learn. In a bad company, even though you have your desirable job, they might not give you any chance to learn and, in reality, they can't even teach you. They don't notice you. You might not reach your real potential.

               You need 1 of these 3 things to start a team: good heart, a professional and money. In a relationship between an elder brother and a younger one, the elder needs to sacrifice but in return the younger needs to do as the elder say. The crisis builds the hero. Without the crisis, no hero would be born. If you have good attitude, you will think that this is the opportunity to be the hero. If you have great attitude you will try to overcome the situation. In their dark times, the hero will not give up but continue working to their very best. After the crisis, everyone will notice you as a hero. Everyone will have faith in you. Attitude is important. You need your motivation to make something great. You need to have your target. When Liu Bei was little, he used to run around the big mulberry tree shouting that one day he would be the son of heaven. This is his motivation; he has attitude to be the best. There are two choices in playing the piano. You could play it so that you can play the piece; or you could play it so that it is perfect, so that it is nice to listen. You need to overcome the difficulty. No difficulty, no hero.

               In summary, Liu Bei took the chance to be the hero. He took the chance where there was crisis. Recruiting the right people, he got the criteria in being a leader: he has a good heart.

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